When should you visit the dentist in a year?

We all know that people think that going to the doctor can be a pain. This, along with the fact that the “36% of Australians are afraid of the dentist” – means that going to the dentist often falls to the bottom of their priority. Lots of people think they don’t need to go to the doctor if they’re not having any issues, but that’s not the case. Consistently visiting the doctor for preventative dental care is important for keeping your teeth healthy.
How often should I go to the dentist?
Most people should get their teeth cleaned at least once a year but twice is better. Remember that some people may need treatments that require them to go more than twice a year. It’s important to do what your dentist tells you to do because everyone has different dental needs.
The dentists make a personalized dental care plan for you based on your risk factors, oral health care needs, and general health.
Why is it important to go to the dentist regularly?
When you go to the dentist regularly, you won’t have to make as many trips and will avoid dental health problems that can lead to body health problems as well.
Why do I need to see the dentist?
National Health Services (NHS) says that getting regular checkups with your dentist lets them see if you have or are having dental problems. Getting regular tooth checkups gives you:
- A professional dentist will look at your chance of getting dental diseases.
- Services like X-rays and teeth cleaning that keep teeth from getting cavities
Advice from professionals on dental care
Check-ups vs. Procedures
Technically, a checkup only includes going to the dentist to have your most recent X-rays looked at by a professional and getting an exam from a licensed dentist. Checkups with your dentist are the best way to find cavities, tooth rot, and other issues before they get worse and cause more issues.
At your checkup for dental work and care, you will be told about ways to treat tooth decay. Some examples of dental care are:
- Cleaning your teeth
- Treatments with fluoride
- Fillings for teeth
- Crowns for teeth
- Getting root canals
- Tooth extractions (for serious cases)
- Other things to think about
Some healthy people may only need to see the dentist about once a year if they take care of their teeth and gums and don’t have many or any risk factors. But if you don’t see a dentist, many problems can get worse and cause major dental and health issues all around.
People who are at high risk
People who are more likely to get tooth decay and dental disease are:
- People who have diabetes
- A woman who is pregnant
- People who have bad gums
- People who engage in the habit of smoking
- People who don’t have strong defense systems
- People who are prone to cavities and/or too much plaque buildup
- People who have a history of gum disease or tooth decay in their family
How tooth health has changed
Making an appointment with your dentist right away is important if you have any of the following signs between regular checkups:
- Being sensitive to heat or cold
- Irritation or bleeding gums that don’t go away with brushing or flossing
- Having bad breath or a bad taste in your mouth all the time
- Your face, mouth, or neck hurts or swells up
- Dry mouth all the time
- A mouth sore that won’t go away
- You feel bad about yourself when you smile.
- Having trouble eating and chewing
- If you have a problem with food
- As a patient going through disease-modifying treatments like chemotherapy, radiation, or hormone replacement therapy
- When you move your mouth, you may feel pain or hear a “popping” sound.
Children’s dental visits
Kids and adults go to the dentist for the same reasons, but kids do need a little extra care when their teeth come in, fall out, and when they get their adult teeth. When a kid gets their first tooth, they should see the dentist right away. After that, they should go every six months until they are an adult to avoid cavities and catch any other dental problems as they happen. The dentist will look for the following things in your child:
Symptoms of cavities
- If teeth, gums, jaw, and other parts of the mouth have problems.
- Anything that makes you think your kid’s bite isn’t right (this is important for speech, chewing, and the right timing if your child needs braces, etc.)
What to expect when you go to the dentist
Getting clean and shiny
Dental cleanings are important for maintaining good dental health because dental hygienists are trained to get rid of bacteria, plaque, and tartar in ways that brushing alone can’t. Tooth loss and gum disease can happen if you leave these things on your teeth for too long.
X-rays are needed for your dentist when you visit Guildford Dental Centre to get a full picture of your oral health. Your dentist may need more than one X-ray, such as a panoramic X-ray, which shows your teeth and the bones in your upper and lower jaws.
When the dentist looks inside your mouth, they will check your gums, teeth, and every other part of it to make sure everything looks healthy. They may also poke you in the mouth to make sure there are no sore spots, talk to you about any worries you or they may have, and look at your X-rays.
It is recommended you visit the dentist to get your dental health checked up at least once a year and follow the advice given. Guildford Dental Centre takes pride in caring for its patients and their dental needs. Call our friendly team now on 08 6104 0370 today and book an appointment.